document driven


The useContent() composable gives access to the current page, surrounding pages and global data.

When the document driven mode is enabled, useContent() is available everywhere in your app and gives access to a list of refs based on your content.

<script setup lang="ts">const {  // Global references  globals,  navigation,  surround,  page,  // Computed properties from `page` key  excerpt,  toc,  type,  layout,  // Computed properties from `surround` key  next,  prev} = useContent()</script>

Rendering the page

Rendering the current page becomes a bliss with this composable:

<script setup lang="ts">const { page } = useContent()</script><template>  <ContentRenderer :key="page._id" :value="page" /></template>

Previous/next page component

<script setup lang="ts">const { prev, next } = useContent()</script><template>  <div>    <NuxtLink v-if="prev" :to="prev._path">{{ prev.title }}</NuxtLink>    <NuxtLink v-if="next" :to="next._path">{{ next.title }}</NuxtLink>  </div></template>

Table of Contents component

<script setup lang="ts">const { toc } = useContent()</script><template>  <div>    <ul v-if="toc && toc.links">      <li v-for="link in toc.links" :key="link.text">        <a :href="`#${}`">          {{ link.text }}        </a>      </li>    </ul>  </div></template>