

The fastest way to query and display your content.

The <ContenQuery> is a renderless component shortening the access to queryContent().

<!-- Similar to <ContentDoc :path="$route.path" /> --><template>  <main>    <ContentQuery :path="$route.path" find="one" v-slot="{ data }">      <ContentRenderer :value="data" />    </ContentQuery>  </main></template>


  • path: The path of the content to load from content source.
    • Type: string
    • Default: undefined
  • only: Select a subset of fields from an array of keys.
    • Type: string[]
    • Default: undefined
  • without: Remove a subset of fields from an array of keys.
    • Type: string[]
    • Default: undefined
  • where: Filter results with a where clause definition.
    • Type: { [key: string]: any }
    • Default: undefined
  • sort: Sort results with a sort clause definition.
    • Type: SortParams
    • Default: undefined
  • limit: Limit the amount of results.
    • Type: number
    • Default: undefined
  • skip: Skip an amount of results.
    • Type: number
    • Default: undefined
  • locale: Filter contents based on a locale.
    • Type: string
    • Default: undefined
  • find: The type of query to be made.
    • Type: string
    • Values: 'one' or 'surround' or undefined
    • Default: .find() will be used if nothing is specified


The default slot can be used to render the content via v-slot="{ data }" syntax.

The empty slot can be used to display a default content if the body of the document is empty.

The not-found slot can be used to display a default content before rendering the document.

Where clause

<template>  <main>    <ContentQuery path="/about/authors" :where="{ type: 'csv' }">      <template #default="{ data }">        <ul>          <li v-for="author of data" :key="">            {{ }}          </li>        </ul>      </template>      <template #not-found>        <p>No authors found.</p>      </template>    </ContentQuery>  </main></template>